Friday, February 11, 2011

La Casa de San Bartolome (y Santiago)

So, I promise to do a post on how my experience has been in general, but today I'm going to keep it light. Let's talk about my humble abode, El Colegio Mayor de San Bartolome y Santiago, a sort of honors dorm for the University of Granada. Understand ol' U of G has 60,000 students, and only 100 or so students live in the Colegio, making it something of any honor. How I got here, I'm not really sure. Anyway, here I am.

This is my room, which I share with another person from my program named Zach (nice guy). Simple affair, bed, respectable wifi, desk, sink, shower. A cleaning lady makes the beds every day, which is a delightful feature.

My neighbors include two constitutional law majors, Fausto (from Italy) and Bernado (from France), as well as a networks major, Pablo (from Spain). I'd just like to take a moment to say how nice these guys have been. Patient with my horrbile Spanish, helpful (Bernado somehow scored us a space-heater without us even asking), and interesting to talk with to boot. In general, all the guys (it's only guys) at the Colegio have been friendly. Also, hilarious nicknames. Among my favorites: Johnny Bravo, Atilla, and the Pianist. 

So, the people. Now, the place. My room my not look like much, but the building was originally a palace from the 17th century. And it shows.

 Views of the central patio/entrance. My room is on the third floor, the one with glass panes. The stairs leading up to it are so worn, there are visible deperessions in the center of each step.

Those towers, above the roof of the central patio (above) belong to the church adjacent to the Colegio.

On the third floor, it has become a tradition to carve your name into the marble pillars. We found some dated ones from the early 19th century, but I'm sure some of the non-dated names are older. I would post a picture, but my camera failed me.

Obviously, there's a garden.

The dining hall is also pretty cool; think Harry Potter but smaller, and with less magic.

All in all, a cool place to live.

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